Five years ago this month, we said goodbye to our friend and companion, Mike The Dog. To pay tribute to his life here is an obituary I wrote shortly after his death.
MICHAEL T. DOGG (1991 – 2006)
Our longtime resident and companion, Michael T. Dogg, was “put to rest” on September 22, 2006 after a short illness and has moved on to meet Dog. Mike was always quick to point out that, although his last name was spelled the same, he was not related to Snoop in any way.
Mike was an idiot, even by canine standards, and his medical records confirm that he had a brain approximately the size of a (small) pistachio nut. But he was a kind soul who loved his family and appropriately barked at the UPS truck as well as other dangers that threatened the family. Always lean, in his younger days he had greyhound speed and loved to sprint around 10 acre fields for no apparent reason.
In addition to running, his hobbies included coprophagy and the dominant mounting of any male dog that dared to set legs onto his territory (not that there's anything wrong with it).
Mike will be missed by his family: Tami, Joe and Ian Clark, as well as his cat and understudy Harvey D. Birdkill. In lieu of flowers, cards or donations, Mike asked prior to his death that well-wishers bark uncontrollably at the vacuum cleaner once or twice in his memory.
Sad but funny.
When we first got Mike, we noticed that he was frightened of men. We think he may have been abused as a pup. He never totally got over it, but we'd like to think that he had a better "rest of his life" than he would have had otherwise.
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