Monday, August 29, 2011

Orcas Island Getaway

I have a confession: I've been a native Washingtonian and resident for more than fifty years now, and there are places in this state that I can hardly believe I haven't visited. One of those places I can now happily check off that list. Although I've been to San Juan Island, I've never visited Orcas Island in the same vicinity until recently.

A member of my book group, The Plummeting Tortoises, happens to have a family cabin that sits on the north side of Orcas Island. We got together for an overnight stay last week where we discussed the book ("The Year of the Flood" by Margaret Atwood which we all liked a great deal) and did an admirable job of eating, drinking, listening to music and generally doing plenty of nothing.

View from the beach: Robert, Steven, Tim

In the morning I immediately hit the kitchen and prepared chorizo and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Give me any opportunity to impose Mexican food of any kind on a captive audience and I'm all over it.

One of the highlights? That would be Robert and Steven breaking out the dulcimers (doesn't everyone have a dulcimer or two sitting around the house?) with Steven's vocal and Tim accompanying on body percussion. Here is a clip I recorded in a clandestine moment:


Scott Lacey said...

Now, that's living! I'd be happy to enjoy eggs with chorizo every morning.

FYI - I started a blog of my own a little while back ( I'll be doing some writing about beer and being a dad. I'm sure there will be occasional reference to bowling.

Gotta get some practice in before the season starts! Maybe if I eat an egg and chorizo breakfast on league nights I'll get my average up a few pins.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have chorizo and eggs every morning too, Scott. But unfortunately it's too darned bad for me. So it's an every 6-months kind of thing.

I really like your blog and will put a link to it on mine (thanks for doing the same for me). Brian's new one will be there as well. You Lacey guys are great writers.

Bowling starts on Thursday for us. I've been practicing and am hopeful for a rebound year....we'll see.
