There’s a reason that heart patients are called "patients". Being a heart patient requires more that the standard amount of “patience”. One needs to adhere to a strict list of do’s and don’ts such as not lifting anything that weighs much. Or making sure you’ve got a nice pillow to clutch to your chest like a recovered fumble in the fourth quarter of the game. You wouldn’t want those stitches to come apart, after all, and have to start over.
BowlingJoe’s dad is one of those heart patients. Earlier this year, he was getting some preparatory work done in anticipation of back surgery when some doctor had the audacity to tell him that he needed a new aorta. He’s now the proud owner of a few inches of flexible hosing where his too-thin-to-last-much-longer original aorta portion once was. Not only that, he has a new heart valve that once belonged to a pig.
His surgery, which went quite well as these things go, was on March 2nd. The heart itself has pretty much healed and he isn’t gasping for breath as he once was early in the recovery process. But there was also the matter that a plethora of muscles, tendons and other assorted things needed to be gone through in order to get to the heart. That’s what’s taking the time to get better.
BowlingJoe’s dad is one of those heart patients. Earlier this year, he was getting some preparatory work done in anticipation of back surgery when some doctor had the audacity to tell him that he needed a new aorta. He’s now the proud owner of a few inches of flexible hosing where his too-thin-to-last-much-longer original aorta portion once was. Not only that, he has a new heart valve that once belonged to a pig.
His surgery, which went quite well as these things go, was on March 2nd. The heart itself has pretty much healed and he isn’t gasping for breath as he once was early in the recovery process. But there was also the matter that a plethora of muscles, tendons and other assorted things needed to be gone through in order to get to the heart. That’s what’s taking the time to get better.
BowlingJoe's stepmom (Brenda) and dad (Ken): glad to be on his feet again

I spent a few hours with him last weekend and he looks and sounds remarkably better than he did during those first couple of weeks after the heart surgery. If all continues to go well, the much anticipated back surgery will take place sometime this summer. And beyond that, I sure his feelings wouldn’t be hurt if he stayed away from the business end of a scalpel for a few more years.
I spent a few hours with him last weekend and he looks and sounds remarkably better than he did during those first couple of weeks after the heart surgery. If all continues to go well, the much anticipated back surgery will take place sometime this summer. And beyond that, I sure his feelings wouldn’t be hurt if he stayed away from the business end of a scalpel for a few more years.
Thanks for the update Joe. I'm so glad Uncle Ken is doing well. Guess our family wasn't blessed with the healthy heart gene...Take good care of yours.
Thanks, Kristin....I'm planning to, particularly as I approach the magical year of 50. Losing 30 pounds (so far) has been a good thing but what can ya do about genetics? You take care of yours as well.
BowlingJoe, I'm glad to hear your Dad's doing well. I'm sure that eases your mind as well. While I have never met him, if he's your Dad, he's gotta be a pretty good guy.
Not to mention that western WA cannot stand to lose anymore good Republicans!
Joe, that's good to hear. Ed picked the wrong parents, too, and everyone descended from his dad (who died of a heart attack) has had problems. Just shows to go you that you gotta pick the right parents! So glad your dad is healing well.
Thanks for the kind remarks, cvow and Pilla. I truly appreciate them and know my dad does, too. And I'm sure that Ed is in good hands with you and that you have him doin' all the right things.
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