After a lengthy hiatus it's time to write about bowling again. I figure that I've been bowling regularly for around 30 years when you take away the years that I was either (a) a baby/toddler or (b) unable or unwilling to come up with the discretionary income that's required to participate in league bowling.
A couple of weeks ago I was able to, through a combination of dialed-in shot making and plain luck, bowl the highest scratch (sans handicap) three-game series of my life. At 801, it was just above the water-mark of 800. Games were 278, 268, and 255.
It was particularly special since an 800 series is statistically at least three times harder to get than a perfect 300 game (of which I have just one from a very good night in May, 2003).
In fairness, professional bowlers usually have multiple 300 games and 800 series'. And they do it while bowling on lane conditions that are a lot tougher than what we bowl on in league. But for a 49-year-old guy who bowls once a week.....not bad. I'll happily add that to my bowling resume.
That was incredible BowlingJoe! I think I may have beat your lowest game of this series once back in the day when I was bowling in ND (when the harness mending was all done). Congratulations again!
I did see that there is a bowling alley in Sidney, NE, so I was already teasing my long suffering better half that we may have to get back into kegling.
That's sure something to be proud of. Another thing to be proud of is how good your picture is starting to look. No more double chin. Looking good, Bowling Joe!
cvow, you should join a league again. Winters are cold in Nebraska so you might as well be indoors doing something.
Thanks, Crazy Mermaid....your remark made my day!
So cool, Joe! I'll never forget the pride I felt the first time I successfully completed a set of 800 push-ups...
Crazy Mermaid is right- you are looking great!
Catherine, 800 push-ups is pushing it even by your extreme standards. But I have no doubt that you could do it.
I'm fortunate to have met you last fall. I can't thank you enough for being a big part in inspiring me to become a healthy resident of this planet. And I hope it continues for a long, long time.
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