What a brilliant idea. Take an inexpensive blanket, incorporate a couple of large arm holes, and sell it anywhere and everywhere for between $12 and $20. It's a concept so simple that would-be entrepreneurs around the world are kicking themselves for not having invented it and purchased a fleet of yachts with the proceeds.
Muffinheadedboy and BowlingJoe showing off their Snuggies
Naturally, we had to be good consumers and get a couple of Snuggies for Christmas. They really are quite comfortable to lounge around in despite the fact that they're loaded with enough static electricity to light up a small town.
I think I'll start the year 2010 by taking the Snuggie thing a bit further. I'm officially announcing that I'm starting a new religion that will be known as Snuggitarian Snuggiversalism. Cash donations are being accepted as of now.
Another great post! Happy New Year!
This must be the new age answer to what used to be known as snugsacks! Anybody remember those? They were great for sitting around watching TV back in ND when the mercury was at -30.
Happy New Year!
Your first convert (not!) is Ellen deGeneres - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOhrsLEozZs&NR=1
I love my snuggie! I have a leopard print one, but had to cut off about a foot from the bottom and the arms.
They now make them for dogs too- LOL!
Happy New Year! Cherrie
Snuggies are indeed an odd piece of attire. But I strongly feel that whoever happens to read this blog post needs to consider it serendipitous that Santa Claus brought me a Snuggie instead of the cashmere thong that I actually asked him to bring to me.
Already we have something to be thankful for in the New year!
Yikes, you both look like the Ghost of Christmas Past!
Oh, and I discovered I've gained the weight you lost -- another immutable law of the universe in action!
David, it's only fair that you now pass the weight on to some unsuspecting random person.
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