After a long and successful run of poor eating habits and inconsistent exercising, I’ve decided that it’s time to take a serious look at losing (and keeping off) some weight and improving my overall health. I weigh 215 pounds. This would be fine if I were six-foot eight, but replace the “six” with “five” and that’s where I’m at. And at 48, it’s not as though my ability to metabolize food is exactly on my side either.
To assist with this, I’m employing a very simple yet potentially effective device: potential public humiliation. That’s right. Every month I’ll be checking in and blogging my weight versus where I think I should be at for that week. I’m taking it pretty easy. At a pound per week, I’d hit my initial goal of 180 (which STILL makes me overweight according to those militant height-weight charts) sometime in May of 2010. You can’t hide behind facts and data. I’ll also be setting up “before/after” numbers for triglycerides, cholesterol, blood pressure and so on.

So let the record state that on September 9th, 2009 I tipped the scales at 215 pounds. And hopefully I’ll muster up the willpower to replace orders of macho nachos with wheat thins and low-fat cheese.
Update: September 30th, 2009: 210 pounds. So far, so good. Now for the hard part. Continuity.
Great job so far Joe. If you swear off the nachos, I'll swear off the pumpkin pie ... as long as nobody gives me any more pie coupons.
Thanks, Joe. I hosted our book group today and we made pizzas from scratch. Naturally, we had beer to go with it. But no nachos were consumed. Time to get back on the plan though.
Let me know if you want to go see "Zombieland" sometime. Diet Cokes will be on me.
Dang, dude! I won't recognize you at Nationals this year. You'll be a lean mean bowling machine!
Well, hopefully I'll be a height-weight proportional guy that picks up spares and tosses shots in the 1-3 pocket. Time will tell.
Which Brian are you by the way?
Hi Joe, here it is 5 weeks later - have you lost 5 pounds? How's it going? Incidentally, last night we and a bunch of other folks celebrated Norway's victory over Denmark with - homemade pizza and beer, no nachos! :)
Actually, I was down 6 pounds after 4 weeks, but then gained two back to be 4 down after 5 weeks. I was told this might happen as muscle cells increase and fat cells decrease as a result of the conditioning class I'm taking 4 days a week. At least I'm HOPING that's the case.
In any event, I intend to celebrate Norways victory over Denmark with a beer today as well.
Wow, you are brave to post this. What an interesting approach. You might want to check out the addiction cycle online, as food can be an addiction. Take care, Cherrie
Fannies: Reflections on Cookie Dough, Life, and Your Derriere
Posting this kind of thing helps me to continue the effort. Not for everyone but it works for far anyway. I did gain 1/2 pound from last week. No worries here though...the overall trend is still in the right direction.
And since I do eat food every day, I'm clearly addicted to the nutritious life-sustaining stuff.
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