I gradually retired from the scene as Muffinheadedboy was getting older and brewing needed to take a back seat to coaching and supporting whatever he happened to be doing.
I can't really say I miss homebrewing very much, in large part because there are so many small breweries around who have refined and perfected their processes to a degree that I can't even come close to. They're producing world class beer. One of those places is right up the road from us between Smokey Point and Arlington. Whenever we get a chance, as we did yesterday afternoon, Bowlingwidow and I like to go to Skookum Brewing, established in January of 2007. The term "skookum" is of Chinook jargon origin and in general means good, strong, or first rate.
To get to the brewery and taproom, you turn left down the dirt road (10 mph speed limit), go past the house with the bulldozer, continue beyond the horses grazing in the field off to the left. When you see the cows on the right, you're getting close. Park underneath the shade tree in the yard across from the barn. No, really, it's like that. And it's a lot of fun being in that beautiful country setting with owner/brewer Ron Walcher and co-owner Jackie Jenkins. There's no friendlier crowd than the dozen or so customers that are there at any given time to enjoy a pint or to pick up a keg or a growler. And with seating mostly outdoors, a nice day is always a bonus.
But you have to time your visit well, as their modest but mighty tap room is only open a precious few hours a week. Fridays from 4-7 pm and Saturdays from 2-5 pm. Ron and Jackie do have other "real jobs" after all. Being big fans of the hop bitterness of India Pale Ale (IPA) we usually opt for Skookum's Jackass IPA. It begins with a malty and somewhat sweet flavor but then sneaks up on you with a full dose of hops. Other offerings include Skookum Pale Ale, Woody's Oak (with light caramel and wood tones), Amber's Hot Friend (a west coast style malty amber ale), and Mule (kicks like one with heavy usage of both malt and hops).
Ron and BowlingJoe in the taproom In addition to going straight to the source, Skookum beers are available at several pubs and restaurants in the area including G.A. Maxwell's in Marysville, Ivar's Mukilteo Landing, Fred's Rivertown Alehouse in Snohomish, Conway Pub and Eatery, and Olympic Tavern in Arlington. A complete listing along with directions, photos and other information can be found on their website.
Skookum Brewing is located at 19529 17th Dr. NE in Arlington. If anyone ever wants to join us on a fact finding expedition to Skookum Brewing, be sure to let Bowlingwidow or me know.
Gee, bowlingjoe! I'd love to make a trip with you there! I've never tried beer before! What's it like?
Shoot, bowlingagent. If you want to sample some Skookum beer and you're not doing anything next Saturday afternoon let me know. Bowlingwidow is visiting her dad all day and Muffinheadedboy is working. That can only mean free time for BowlingJoe.
So here's my offer for you and anyone else who bothers to read this 3rd rate (and I'm being generous here) publication. Be at my place at 1:45pm on Saturday and we'll make it happen. Kids are welcome, too, they just have to stay away from the actual pouring area.
Just lemme know.
Sorry, bowlingjoe, but Saturday's out. Terrorist meeting.
I'm sad, because there's little that's more fun than bowlingjoe with alcohol and extra time on a weekend day.
Sounds like fun... I'll be off in PA this weekend. I'll be sure to look up your mom to learn all your secrets... :)
Doesn't bowlingwidow leave you a list something? If you get bored, my lawn really needs to be mowed. I'll pay in beer...
Hey Groovelily, quit butting in on my To Do list. I do let Bowlingjoe off the leash for a few hours.
Groovelily, as long as you're going to question my mother, you may want to drive another few blocks while you're in the neighborhood and quiz bowlingagent's mother as well. I'm sure that she'll have some great tidbits of information about young bowlingagent (even though I'm sure the ones about bowlingagent's younger brother are way better).
When you see Ross Maloney, please tell him that I still haven't forgiven him for single-handedly preventing me from getting a 4.0 GPA at Peninsula College TWO quarters in a row in 1980. He should have been reading my essays instead of worring about when his next tee time was.
Bowlingwidow will indeed leave me a to-do list. But as she will tell you, I do "half-arsed" work and will speed through it in no time. Don't think I'll have time to mow your lawn though. Isn't that why you had twins?
CARP! I knew there was a reason besides the deduction!
A couple of months ago, i asked my groovyson if he would like to learn how to mow the lawn (first mistake). He said it was too dangerous, and that he might cut off his toes. I said, "well i might cut off my toes, too". groovyson responds, "yes, but i need my toes. I am in track and field".
how do argue with that reason??
Bowlingjoe, groovelily doesn't have FBI clearance to visit my mother.
sigh... i should preview my posts.
Is Brooklyn on restriction now???
28, yes twenty eight, years later BowlingJoe still has a gripe on at someone who he thinks stiffed him on a grade!
Let it go, Joe, let it go. You can do it...deep breaths now...
groovydaughter's aren't allowed to be commenting on beer related posts.
Cvow, I know all about bowlingjoe's temper. You should have seen him last year when I blitzed him in curling.
Bowlingjoe's temperment is just fine. I've conditioned it to be so after years of inexplicably leaving 10-pins on seemingly perfect shots.
About the curling: I have an unreleased photo of bowlingagent delivering a curling stone with a very tentative look on his face. Is there any demand out there for this?
Of course there is always a demand for things like that, BowlingJoe. Speaking of pictures, has anyone else noted the remarkable resemblance between BowlingJoe and BowlingAgent? What's up with that?
demanding pic!!
you don't have any of me do you....
Bowlingjoe and Bowlingagent, having grown up six blocks apart, are quite likely to be related according to the CCIZM (Clallam County Inbreeding Zone Map). It was like living in Southern Utah in the 1870s.
No known photos of groovelily in my posession. Care to submit one?
only the flattering ones....
I have an unreleased pic of BowlingJoe as well, although neither he nor Dino Rossi would appreciate it if I spread it all over the Internet.
Oh c'mon, BowlingAgent! That sounds way too intriguing to pass up!
You should see the one with bowlingjoe and the baby fur seal.
Bowlingagent, that was just a one-time deal that happened when I was on an Arctic cruise with some Minnesota Viking players.
I'm not surprised that cvow is back. When you mention people like Dino Rossi and Dick Cheney he gets as excited as a wasp (joke intentional) in 100-degree heat.
Everyone forgives you, bowlingjoe. No one can be angry at you for long. After all, we know you'd do anything to get Bryant McKenzie's aurograph.
Sorry BowlingJoe, WASP doesn't work for me...probably doesn't work for Rossi either, if I were so bold as to make an ethnic generalization.
What? Fur Seals? You can tell this is not a family friendly site.
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